Social and Ethical
Social and ethical concerns are part of our core values. Because of this we have created our own Supplier Code of Ethics.

One thing that we take really seriously at ABLESIA is our partnerships.
We really value the relationships with our suppliers and all of our partners in our supply chain. We believe in building trust and respect. The relationships we have with our suppliers is second to none. That is why we we have worked with the same suppliers for years.
Some of the principles that we value most:
Respect for all worker's conditions, their health and safety, employment, having fair living wages, and working hours must be according to the laws and legislation.
Our respect for workers rights is based on the guidelines of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the codes of Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI Base Code).
If you would like to know more, search for:
International Labour Organization
ETI Base Code
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
We also are completely against Modern Slavery which includes human traffic, slavery, and forced bounded labor.
Workers should not in any matter, action, or occurrence be coerced, conned or forced to do work without a right of refuse in an abusive situation.
Also, Modern Slavery involves concealing, the act of transport, receiving, or and relocation of persons outside or inside the country borders and that is not allowed.
If you would like to know more, search for:
Modern Slavery Act 2015
Child Labour is not accepted in our supply chain in any form.
The child age must not be less than the age of completion of imperative schooling and the minimum age for labouring should be according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the United Nations of Humans Rights.
If you would like to know more, search for:
Convention on the Rights of the Child in the United Nations of Humans Rights
At ABLESIA we work in majority with women and for us the values like respect, non-discrimination, gender equality, have the most importance for treating each others fairly.
If you would like to know more, search for:
Women’s Empowerment Principles
Care, welfare and respect for animals are important for us in a way that we do not use any material that comes from animals sources.
If would like to know more take a look at our Code of Ethics here.